Your travel destination - Ignalina!

Your travel destination is Ignalina - the kingdom of and forests in Eastern Lithuania. It is located just 30 km from the border of Latvia and Lithuania if you go from Daugavpils side!

From Bagels to Nobel Prize: Vilnius Embraces Litvak Legacy

The Museum of Culture and Identity of Lithuanian Jews, also known as Litvak Museum, has recently opened in Vilnius. The new facility celebrates the rich historical and cultural heritage of Litvaks and their influences on modern societies.  

Vilnius revives landmark 17th-century Grand Duchy of Lithuania palace

Tucked away near Vilnius' historic centre, the landmark 17th-century Sapieha Palace is set to unveil its grandeur once again to the public as an art space this April...

Trakai for Gourmands!

The history of the Trakai Region is characterized by its impressive landscape and the diversity of people of various nationalities who have been living peacefully together for many centuries...

2024 in Kaunas: Opportunities Worth Visiting

As 2024 gets underway, we compiled a schedule of the most exciting events in Kaunas and hope to see you in our city more than once or twice.

«airBaltic» Launches Winter Season 2023 from Vilnius

The Latvian national airline airBaltic has announced the launch of the winter season 2023, offering four new destinations from Vilnius...

«Tourism's most successful 2022» in Lithuania announced!

The tenth international exhibition on Tourism and Active Leisure ADVENTUR 2023 was launched by traditional Awards of Top Success in Tourism...

The tourist season in Birštona does not end: for visitors - orientation cycling games, a ferry across the Nemunas and a silent disco

The past warm summer season should not dampen the desire to travel, discover and move around Lithuania even more actively. With the onset of autumn...

The Climate Museum was opened in Biršton

How does it feel to be in 50°C heat? Will farming move to space? Klaipėda under water — a gloomy forecast or an inevitable future?

Discover the Wooden Architecture in Kaunas With a new Map

Žaliakalnis, Panemunė, Aleksotas, Vilijampolė and downtown Kaunas - the route is enough for several weekends full of discoveries!

Lithuanian Airports rank among the European leaders in passenger growth

In the first half of this year, Lithuanian Airports operated more than 2.3 million passengers, 24,000 flights, and transported about 9.9 thousand tonnes of cargo...

Marius, traveller from Lithuania: Trakai Region Musical Ensemble Festival Prie Ežerėlio – a musical journey around Lithuania

Whilst pop music is highly affected by the winds of swiftly changing trends, classics remain ageless and unaffected by the whims of fashion...

Marius, traveller from Lithuania: Divine Mercy Sunday in Lentvaris – the Feast for Children

With so many options available today, it appears that parents raising children will have no trouble finding family friendly entertainment...

Marius, traveller from Lithuania: The 16th of February in Onuškis – a Strong Sense of Patriotism and Community

If Lithuanians were asked to name the most significant historical event that occurred in the last century, I am confident that the majority...

Lithuania Lifts Covid-19 Restrictions to Welcome International Tourists

On February 15 Lithuania became one of the most open European states by lifting traveling restrictions for visitors from all EU/EEA and some of the non-EU countries...

Netflix-Famous Prison in Vilnius Welcomes New International Music Festival

A century-old prison in Vilnius will welcome international music enthusiasts to...

Lithuania Eases Covid-19 Restrictions to Welcome Tourists: Self-isolation Removed for EU Citizens

Before the pandemic, the tourism sector made up a significant part of Lithuania’s economy, amounting to over €977.8M in total spent every year...

City Streets As School Rooms: Vilnius Idea to Convert to City-Wide School Received 1 Million Dollar Award

Lithuanian capital Vilnius has set an ambitious goal—to improve student learning experiences by turning...

Attending the Opening of Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022? Check out This Memo

In just a few days, the communities of Kaunas and Kaunas District will be able to proudly introduce themselves as...

The Opening Weekend of Kaunas 2022 is Around the Corner

The eyes of Europe and all the world are on Kaunas and the Kaunas district. On 19 January, the opening events of the European Capital of Culture year will..

Pearls of Lithuanian culture that every Lithuanian is proud of!

Lithuania is an amazing country whose existence is marked by unique cultural and valuable objects. Some receive more attention, others less, but the fact is...

The Future is Here: Vilnius Invites Residents to Connect with Another City Through a ‘PORTAL’

Vilnius has built something for those who are tired of pandemic travel restrictions and longing to meet new people from near and faraway countries...

Secret Places to Visit in Lithuania’s Biggest Cities—as Recommended by Locals

Lithuania Travel—the country’s national tourism agency—invites Lithuania’s visitors to explore Vilnius, Kaunas, and Klaipėda through a real “like-a-local” experience...

Lithuania updates its weekly travel restrictions

In the update, Cape Verde has been added to the list of countries that are the most affected by pandemic. The Netherlands and Croatia...

Update from Lithuania: Government decides to loosen restrictions

Lithuania’s Government has decided that from the next Monday, May 24, bars and cafes will be allowed to stay open until 22:00...

Lithuania updates its weekly travel restrictions

Lithuania has updated its weekly travel restrictions and is removing France, Turkey, Andorra, Puerto Rico, and Mongolia from most affected countries list...

Exploring Best of Lithuania on Bicycle: 7 Short-Distance Bike Routes for Summer Vacation

With intriguing cycling routes, winding across the entire country, Lithuania is an all-around destination for cycling enthusiasts of all skills...

Lovely Kaunas (What to do on Valentine's day)

In Kaunas this February? Even though we can’t invite you for a romantic night out, we can certainly recommend some great ways to spend a lovely night in.

#WeRemember: Explore the Holocaust Remembrance Sites in Kaunas

#WeRemember: Holocaust Remembrance Sites in Kaunas There are quite a few places to visit and remember in Kaunas connected to the Holocaust and the Jewish history in the city.

In Lithuania, ski resorts are allowed to work

On February 1, 2021, the Lithuanian government decided to allow the ski slopes' operation, said the Prime Minister of Lithuania, Ingrida Simonite. 

Holiday and travel offers 31.05.2024 - 07.06.2024 NEW for the upcoming season!   Trakai TIC
The Trakai Eko City Tour is one of the quickest and most convenient ways to explore the historic Old Town of Trakai. | More
Unforgettable dating in darkness Neredzamā Pasaule
Enjoy an unforgettable dating in the darkness! 90-minute guided tour of five rooms with a blind guide and romantic solitude in a cafe with snacks and music. | More
Holiday and travel offers 30.05.2024 - 06.06.2024  The reconstruction of the Island Castle Trakai TIC
The reconstruction of the Island Castle is already under way! | More
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