Air Lituanica stops flight operations

Air Lituanica will operate flights from/to Amsterdam, Paris and Tallinn on May 22. Flights to Berlin, Prague, Brussels, Stockholm, Hamburg are cancelled on May 22. All flights are cancelled from May 23 and onwards. Air Lituanica, seeking to reduce inconvenience for the passengers and taking into account the financial resources, agreed with Air Baltic that all passengers having Air Lituanica tickets for cancelled flights between May 22 and May 29 will be rebooked on Air Baltic flights to their origin destinations .

Air Lituanica Customer Care Center will send new tickets for the passengers travelling between May 22 and May 29 with new flight details. If new routing and flight schedules will not be acceptable, passengers will be able to reject the travel and request for refund from “Air Lituanica”.

“Air Lituanica” made immediate payment for “Air Baltic” for the flights for the next 8 days, so all the passengers have guaranteed flights with “Air Baltic”. Next 8 days “Air Baltic” will accept “Air Lituanica” passengers on BT flights from and to Amsterdam, Brussels, Prague, Munich, Paris, Billund, Stockholm, Vilnius and Tallinn.

Next few days “Air Lituanica” will continue talks with “Air Baltic” and will look for possibilities to carriage passengers travelling after May 29.

All passengers are entitled for full refunds and guarantees by European law and Montreal convention. JSC “Start Vilnius” has guarantee issued for passenger compensation.

Passengers, having air tickets for the cancelled flights should contact ticket sales agency. If passengers purchased the ticket from the travel agency, they should contact them. If tickets have been purchased on “Air Lituanica” website, they should fill refund form on “Air Lituanica” website or send claim by email [email protected]. Passengers whose tickets were paid by credit card with purchases insurance, can claim the bank for a refund.




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