«airBaltic» Starts Direct Flights Between Vilnius and Kyiv

Latvian airline airBaltic has 1.st of December started performing direct flights from Vilnius to Kyiv, Ukraine. The new flights will be performed two times a week on an Airbus A220-300 aircraft. The scheduled flight time to Kyiv will be one hour and 15 minutes.

Currently airBaltic performs direct flights from Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius to various European business hubs and a selection of leisure destinations. A complete schedule of airBaltic flights can be found on the company's homepage at www.airbaltic.com.

The safety and health of our passengers is airBaltic’s top priority. airBaltic has introduced strong health measures and the new flight operations follow the recommendations issued by authorities.

Passengers are strongly suggested to check the travel regulations and airport restrictions on the official websites or with local embassies before travelling. Regulations are changing rapidly and vary per country, therefore always make sure you have the latest information to have a smooth journey.

To read more about the new airBaltic health measures, please visit airBaltic website: https://www.airbaltic.com/en/health-measures.

The well-established pricing structure of airBaltic supports all customer segments, starting with the lowest fares known as Green, followed by the Green Classic as well as the Business fare. airBaltic prices will be the right choice for both low-cost travellers as well as a business class travellers.



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