«airBaltic» Offers 92 Routes This Summer

Latvian airline airBaltic announces that during the upcoming summer season 2022, which will begin on March 27, 2022, it plans to offer flights on a total of 92 routes from Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius and Tampere.

Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “This year started already with significantly larger capacity and now we offer our customers a growing number of travel opportunities, including a wide selection of sunny leisure destinations. In May, we will also launch our first base outside the Baltics in Tampere.”

airBaltic plans to offer flights to a total of 64 destinations from Riga, 13 destinations from Tallinn, 12 destinations from Vilnius as well as 7 destinations from Tampere.

Due to the current airspace restrictions, the company has decided to suspend the planned flights from Riga to Baku and Yerevan for the upcoming summer season.

airBaltic continues to offer the best connectivity to and from Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius, connecting them with leading European business centers and transit hubs. In addition, airBaltic offers a wide variety of leisure destinations from Riga, Latvia. A complete schedule of airBaltic flights and tickets are available on the company's homepage at www.airbaltic.com




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