Rate Top Baltic State and Their Capital City - Travel Instagrams!

We all know the top influencers on Instagram, but have you ever thought about which Baltic State is most active on social media? Well, wonder no more! In this article, based on statistics, we will lay out which of the three Baltic countries are the most popular on Instagram and why. 

Every Baltic County has an official tourism website and a social media platform. Our statistics are based on those platforms. Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania 

1. Visit Estonia

The number one spot goes to the fantastic Visit Estonia Instagram with 108k followers. 
The Instagram account was opened in 2013 and has since uploaded 3208 photos.
The account effectively uses InstaStories and invites everyone to share their adventures while traveling through Estonia. All photos have references to the author. 
Visitestonia photos consist of a lot of beautiful sights, nature, and people. 

The first photo ever uploaded.

They also have an excellent Instagram account for their capital city Tallinn.
Visittallinn was also started in 2013 and is very engaging with its followers. 
The account has 76,8k followers, and currently, 1556 photos are uploaded.
Most photos are of Tallinn and different people in Tallinn. 

The first photo ever uploaded.

2. Latvia Travel

In second place, we have the creative latviatravel Instagram account with 36.1k followers, opened in 2014. At the moment, they have 1204 photos. Nevertheless, they are trying to upload once a day.
Interesting fact, in November 2020, they changed their username from enjoylatvia.
The account has a couple of InstaStories, but this feature isn't utilized as much.
Photos do have references and usually are of beautiful sights, landscapes, and animals.

The first photo ever uploaded.

LiveRiga is Latvia's official Instagram for their capital city Riga. It opened in 2016. 
Currently has 43,2k followers and 1542 photos uploaded.
Most photos are of Riga, the old town, and a few animals.

The first photo ever uploaded.

3. Lithuania. Real is beautiful

At the moment, third place goes to Lithuanias Instagram account "lithuania_real_is_beautiful" with 18.1k followers, 910 photos, and with the first photo being uploaded back in 2013. 
Lithuania_real_is_beautiful are very good at using InstaStories and inviting people to share photos with specific tags like "#beautifullithuania" Unfortunately, the account does upload only a few times a month.

The first photo ever uploaded.

In 2014 an official Instagram for Vilnius was started. Govilnius has 19,3k followers currently, 1064 photos uploaded, and is also very good at using different platforms' added features. 
Usually upload once a week, give photo credits, and the content is mostly of the city Vilnius.

The first photo ever uploaded.

What do you think? Which of the three has the potential to be on top next year? Write in the comments below.




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