Updated procedure for entering Lithuania from European countries

The Government of Lithuania has anounced that from now on, Lithuania will allow arrivals of all the citizens of the countries of the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (EEA), and persons lawfully residing in these countries. Those arriving from countries with COVID-19 incidence rate above 16 cases/100 000 population, will have to self-isolate for 14 days.

Foreigners arriving in the Republic of Lithuania from the affected countries (where COVID-19 incidence is 25 cases per 100 thousand population) will have to have been tested negative for the coronavirus infection within the last three days. They will also be required to comply with other isolation conditions established by the State Commander of National Emergency Operations.

Besides, arrivals by air or sea are already being registered before they leave the airport or seaport by the staff of the National Public Health Centre under the Ministry of Health (NPHC), and those arriving by land are obliged to register with the NPHC within 12 hours from the moment of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania.

Those in isolation also face strict control - police and border officers, as well as NPHC staff carry out control and random checks for compliance.

Arrivals in the Republic of Lithuania (both citizens and foreigners) will fall subject to isolation in accordance with the list of countries affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) approved by the Minister of Health.

Following these resolutions, the Government will also allow entries for the citizens of and persons lawfully residing in the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco, the Republic of San Marino and the Holy See (Vatican City State).



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