«White Guide»: Lithuanian Restaurants Are Among the Best in the Baltic States

Restaurants in Lithuania were classed as excellent by the “White Guide”, the leading restaurant guide in the Nordic countries. Among restaurants in the Baltic states that were rated for the first time, as many as six Lithuanian restaurants gained the highest ratings!

In total, 10 Lithuanian restaurants were rated by the “White Guide”. The highest rating was awarded to “Sweetroot” in Vilnius, which was also rated as the fourth best restaurant in the top 30 restaurants in the Baltic states, the sixth place went to “Gastronomika” (Vilnius), the ninth place went to “Telegrafas” (Vilnius), “Monai” (Klaipėda) took tenth place, “Dublis” (Vilnius) was the twelfth, and “Uoksas” (Kaunas) was the twenty-second. In addition, “White Guide” ratings were given to “Gaspar’s” (Vilnius), “Lauro lapas” (Vilnius), “Monte Pacis” (Kaunas), and “Bučeris” (Vilnius).

“Vincents” in Riga was recognised as the best restaurant in the Baltic states.

“Employees of the Embassy of Lithuania in Sweden confirmed that gourmets in the Nordic countries do attach great significance to “White Guide” ratings when they choose a restaurant because the ratings guarantee reliability and quality. We are proud that as many as ten Lithuanian restaurants this year became members of this prestigious community and that they will be on the map of so-called gastro-tourism. After all, exceptional culinary experiences become increasingly important during trip planning,” remarks Director of the State Department of Tourism, Jurgita Kazlauskienė.

To participate in the “White Guide”, the State Department of Tourism cooperated with the Kaunas Municipality and the PB “GO Vilnius”. Restaurant reviewers of the guide had consultations with the Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association.

“The Baltic countries have their own proud culinary traditions, their own regional climate conditions and biotopes, but the practice of using various techniques to exploit and preserve what the brief growing season provides is as deeply rooted as in the Nordics, indeed even more deeply. If the Baltic region’s cuisines continue to develop the way they are doing now and cultivate their distinctiveness, more people will discover that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are worth a journey,” says Editor-in-Chief for the Baltic part of the guide, Anna Michelson Bodemark.

The “White Guide 2017” presentation event in Stockholm (Sweden) on 31 October was attended by the representatives of the State Department of Tourism, the Embassy of Lithuania in Sweden, and the Lithuanian community in Stockholm as well as by the chefs Liutauras Čeprackas, Vytautas Samavičius and Kristina Samavičienė, Mher Gevorkajan, etc. of rated Lithuanian restaurants.

The restaurants are assessed by professional reviewers in accordance with agreed criteria, on a scale of 100 points: up to 40 points are awarded for food, and 20 points are awarded for each of the following: service, beverages, and setting/atmosphere.

In addition to the printed guide and the website www.whiteguide-nordic.com, “White Guide” ratings are available in the app.

The “White Guide” was launched in 2005. The guide earned the trust and recognition of gourmets and in 2017 it provides ratings and recommendations of as many as 325 restaurants in Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Finland as well as 60 restaurants in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.



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