Birštonas Observation Tower. Under Construction

The Neman is not only the largest and water-rich river in Lithuania, but also the most...

23 New walking routes in Vilnius

It only takes 1,969 steps to take in the main sightseeing attractions of Vilnius! The number may...

Vilnius to Host International Baltic Connecting 2018 Tourism Event

Lithuania will host the Baltic Connecting event which aims at bringing together Baltic countries tourism business leaders with...

Birštonas Updated the Culinary Map – Number of Culinary Options Continues to Grow

Anyone will agree that a good time is inseparable from good food. To offer the resort guests not only quality services for...

5 ideas for tradicional Easter in Vilnius

Easter is always a sure sign of spring. In Lithuania, it’s a holiday that has deep-rooted traditions that date back to...

Lithuania is one of the safest countries for tourists in the world

“Lithuania is a safe country for tourists to visit,” as demonstrated by the studies of the World Economic Forum and...

Vilnius Celebrates 100 Years of Modern Lithuanian Statehood

Lithuania’s Capital Puts on a Spectacular Celebration for the Lithuanian Centennial. Vilnius is holding impressive...

Vilnius Kaziukas Fair: a Festival of handicrafts masters and multinational culinary

One of the largest fairs of handmade products and national heritage in the Baltic States will be held in the capital...

10 Reasons to Visit Vilnius This Winter

Going to Lithuania in the winter may seem like an odd choice at first, but it’s the only time of year you can enjoy...

The Organisers of the European Capital of Culture Promise the Change in Kaunas

The year 2022 will be special for Kaunas: the city has won the honorable title of the European Capital of Culture and...

Viking Ship is approaching Vilnius

On the 6th May on the Neris River the 11th century Viking ship will appear. The crew of the ship together with several groups of ancient Baltic tribes will invite all interests to...

Painting Routers: Works by Young Painters are Travelling All Over Vilnius by Trolleybus

The project – which will run for three months – aims to acquaint residents of Vilnius and visitors alike with these exceptional young artists while...

Vilnius is Tops Among EU Capital Cities Offering Value to Visitors

As Vilnius continues to build on its reputation as a dynamic city that has something for everyone, one thing that hasn’t changed much over the years is the value visitors...

Awards to the Winners of «Vilnius Hospitality 2016»

Europe’s Happiest Capital is chock-full of venues that aim to please. And we are happy to announce the winners...

«White Guide»: Lithuanian Restaurants Are Among the Best in the Baltic States

Restaurants in Lithuania were classed as excellent by the “White Guide”, the leading restaurant guide in the Nordic countries...

How to tip in Lithuania?

Lithuanian tipping etiquette can seem a bit confusing. While in other countries it’s perfectly normal and even courteous to...

Plan your city break budget in Vilnius with Expedia, a leading online travel company, launch their latest interactive tool, the "City Budget Planner", which will help...

Soon there will be a direct flight from Vilnius airport to Lviv

In early autumn this year Vilnius airport is to welcome another new development - a new direct route to the largest...

First Hilton hotel in Vilnius will open in 2018

On July 21, Hilton confirmed it will open one of its Hilton Garden Inn hotels in Vilnius in 2018. The project will be managed by...

Best restaurants in Lithuania have been announced

The list of 30 Best Restaurants in Lithuania was announced on the 5th of July by the Academy of...

French Metro edition presents Neringa as a dream beach

A French edition of Metro, a popular free newspaper, presents Neringa in Lithuania as a dream beach for every...

Vilnius Airport is filled with the smell of fresh-made pastries

From now on Vilnius Airport is filled with the smell of fresh-made pastries - Crustum bakery was opened at the...

Spend your holiday in Palanga – a summer capital town

Palanga resort, filled with the bustle of holidaymakers in summer, is often titled as the country's summer...

Lithuania celebrates International Day of Yoga

More than 35 yoga schools in Lithuania have been quietly teaching and propagating yoga over the years, and now...

Culture Night– darkness reveals more!

This year, one night festival of culture, "Culture Night", will keep the lights off and will...

June to bring new airlines and new routes to Lithuanian airports

Though the summer season in aviation began at the end of March, most of regular seasonal flights at Lithuanian airports will...

Lithuanian Dolphinarium Is Ready To Astonish Every Visitor

Lithuanian Sea Museum has been one of the most visited tourism objects in the country. It welcomes over a half a million visitors per year...

More Possibilities to Explore Vilnius with City Card

Vilnus City Card offers a perfect way to explore the city and see all the best in it in 24 or 72 hours. The card of 2016 offers even more discounts...

Skiing Season Opened at Liepkalnis

The weather freezing, skiing tracks, i.e. track for beginners and tracks for experienced skiers were opened at the Liepkalnis hill...

Holiday and travel offers 14.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 PARKING in TRAKAI: for cars, buses Trakai TIC
PARKING in TRAKAI: for cars, buses | More
Holiday and travel offers 17.06.2024 - 24.06.2024 NEW for the upcoming season!   Trakai TIC
The Trakai Eko City Tour is one of the quickest and most convenient ways to explore the historic Old Town of Trakai. | More
Holiday and travel offers 18.06.2024 - 25.06.2024  The reconstruction of the Island Castle Trakai TIC
The reconstruction of the Island Castle is already under way! | More
Unforgettable dating in darkness Neredzamā Pasaule
Enjoy an unforgettable dating in the darkness! 90-minute guided tour of five rooms with a blind guide and romantic solitude in a cafe with snacks and music. | More
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